HubSpot and Tall Bob

Use the strength of Tall Bobs SMS platform to give your Hubspot workflow super powers.

About HubSpot

Maximise the power of Hubspot workflows by partnering with a group that is head and shoulders above anyone else.

With up to 97% of SMS being opened within 90 seconds you want to make sure you maximise this immediacy with a reliable & dependable messaging partner.

Drive Sales - Send relevent, timely messaging to capture people at the precise time they are in decision making mode.

Send, analyse & improve - Monitor & assess the success and engagement of every single touchpoint in contact activity. View key metrics such as delivery status, date & time sent & uniqur click through rates (CTR's).

Build trust, credibility & relationships - Setup Custom Fields to create highly personalised messages and build trust with your audience via Branded SenderID's and URL's.

HubSpot features

Create precise, personalised & powerful messaging via

With Tall Bob, you can:

  • Branded SenderID's and Virtual Numbers: Personalize your messaging experience by setting the sender ID as your company name or a mobile number for reply paths.

  • Visually appealing interactive MMS: Add engagement tools such as videos, images, and more to create an immersive messaging experience.

  • 2-way SMS: Seamlessly integrate Tall Bob with Hubspot to send and receive SMS messages from your contacts.

  • Advanced Analytics Engine: Monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns and conversations to optimize future messaging strategies.

  • Branded Message Templates: Create custom message templates with your company's branding for a consistent messaging experience.

  • Embedded Surveys, questionnaires & Feedback forms: Gather feedback and insights directly from your messaging campaigns with embedded surveys and questionnaires.

  • Deep data insights: Gain valuable insights into recipient behaviour and interactions to inform your messaging strategy. Create fun & colourful messaging using emojis: Add a touch of personality and fun to your messaging with a wide range of emojis.

Create, connect, convert

HubSpot pricing

Getting started and integrated is easy.

For pricing, contact the Tall Bob team.

HubSpot & Tall Bob Zapier templates

HubSpot listing screenshots

Talk to Tall Bob today

Some send, we deliver.